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  • 姓      名:陈平(博导、硕导)
  • 职      称:副教授,博士生导师
  • 研究领域:心理测量与评价,考试理论,智能教育软件
  • 电      话:
  • 通讯地址:北京师范大学京师大厦9703
  • 邮      编:100875
  • 电子邮件:pchen@bnu.edu.cn

心理测量与评价方向博士(北师大心理学院与美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校心理系联合培养),副教授,博士生导师,方法组组长,美国明尼苏达大学心理系、华盛顿大学教育学院访问学者。从事心理测量理论、计算机化自适应测验与分类测验、测量模型的参数估计、大规模测评项目的测评技术与方法等方面的教研工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和面上项目、人社部国家外国专家项目等多项课题,已在PsychometrikaBr J Math Stat Psychol (BJMSP)Behav Res MethodsJ Educ Behav StatJ Educ Meas (JEM)Appl Psych MeasEduc Meas-Issues Pra和心理学报等主流权威期刊发表论文60余篇,参编著作3部。目前担任JEM副主编、双语期刊Chin Engl J Educ Meas Eval副主编、BJMSPConsulting Editor、中国教育技术协会测量与评价专业委员会副会长,曾任美国教育研究协会(AERA)“量化方法与统计理论”模块的联合主席(2021-2022)。多年来,为国家监测各个环节中出现的“统计测量难题”提供解决方案,围绕“跨年等值”、“标准设定”、“计算机测评”和“题库建设”等核心关键技术开展深入研究与实践。



[1] Yuan, L., Huang, Y. S., & Chen, P.* (Accepted). Online calibration for multidimensional CAT with polytomously scored items: A neural network based approach. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics.

[2] Zhang, L. F., & Chen, P.* (2024). A neural network paradigm for modeling psychometric data and estimating IRT model parameters: Cross estimation network. Behavior Research Methods, 56(7), 7026–7058.

[3] Li, J., & Chen, P.* (2024). A new Q-matrix validation methods based on signal detection theory. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. doi: 10.1111/BMSP.12371

[4] Zeng, Q., Song, Z. L., Yang, Z. Y., Wang, S. Y., & Chen, P.* (2024). Career construction networks among junior and senior high school students. Journal of Career Assessment. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/10690727241269

[5] Zeng, Q., He, Y. S., Quan, J. X., Yang, Y., Li, J., & Chen, P.* (2024). Career maturity and career adaptability among vocational high school students: A moderated mediation model of future time perspective and future work self. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. doi: 10.1007/s10775-024-09708-0

[6] Zeng, Q., Yang, Z. L., Xiao, T., Luo, H. J., & Chen, P.* (Accepted). Different parental rearing behaviors and depressive symptoms of adolescents: Roles of psychological insecurity and core self-evaluations. School Psychology International.

[7] Huang, Y. S., Ren, H., & Chen, P.* (2023). Item selection methods with exposure and time control for computerized classification test. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 76(1), 52–68.

[8] Yuan, L., Huang, Y. S., Li, S. H., & Chen, P.* (2023). Online Calibration in Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing with Polytomously Scored ItemsJournal of Educational Measurement60(3), 476–500.

[9] Yuan, L., Liu, Y. L., Chen, P.*, & Xin, T.* (2022). Development of a new learning progression verification method based on the hierarchical diagnostic classification model: Taking grade 5 students’ fractional operations as an example. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 41(3), 69–82.

[10] Chen, P*., & Wang, C. (2021). Using EM algorithm for finite mixtures and reformed supplemented EM for MIRT calibration. Psychometrika, 86(1), 299–326.

[11] He, Y. H.*, Chen, P.*, & Li, Y. (2021). Maximum information per time unit designs for continuous online item calibration. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 74, 24–51.

[12] He, Y. H., & Chen, P.* (2020). Optimal online calibration designs for item replenishment in adaptive testing, Psychometrika85(1), 35–55.

[13] Chen, P., Engel, S., & Wang, C.* (2020). The multivariate adaptive design for efficient estimation of the time-course of perceptual adaptation. Behavior Research Methods, 52(3), 1073–1090.

[14] He, Y. H., Chen, P.*, Li, Y. (2020). New efficient and practicable designs for calibrating items online. Applied Psychological Measurement, 44(1), 3–16.

[15] He, Y. H., Chen, P.*, Li, Y., & Zhang, S. M. (2017). A new online calibration method based on Lord’s bias-correction. Applied Psychological Measurement, 41(6), 456–471.

[16] Chen, P.(2017). A comparative study of online item calibration methods in multidimensional computerized adaptive testing. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 42(5), 559–590.

[17] Chen, P.*, Wang, C., Xin, T., & Chang, H. (2017). Developing new online calibration methods for multidimensional computerized adaptive testing. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 70(1), 81–117.

[18] Chen, P.*, & Wang, C. (2016). A new online calibration method for multidimensional computerized adaptive testing. Psychometrika81(3), 674–701.

[19] Chen, P.*, & Xin, T. (2014). Online calibration with cognitive diagnostic assessment. In Cheng, Y., & Chang, H. (eds), Advancing Methodologies to Support Both Summative and Formative Assessments (pp. 287–313). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

[20] Chen, P.*, Xin, T., Wang, C., & Chang, H. (2012). Online calibration methods for the DINA model with independent attributes in CD-CAT. Psychometrika, 77(2), 201–222.

[21] 陈平李潇*, 任赫, 辛涛. (2023). 改良单组设计下的跨年等值影响因素研究. 心理科学, 46(4), 960–970.

[22] 陈平*黄颖诗代艺. (2023). 测验模式效应:来源、检测与应用. 心理科学进展, 31(10), 1966–1980.

[23] 陈平*任赫. (2023). 计算机化自适应测验王孟成刘拓 (主编), 心理与行为定量研究手册 (pp. 102–134), 重庆大学出版社.

[24] 任赫黄颖诗陈平*. (2022). 计算机化分类测验终止规则的类别、特点及应用.心理科学进展, 30(5), 1168–1182.

[25] 陈平. (2022). 浅谈标准设定中的关键技术:来自我国大规模测评项目的经验中国考试, 8, 48–56.

[26] 任赫陈平*. (2021). 两种新的多维计算机化分类测验终止规则心理学报, 53(9), 1044–1058.

[27] 薛明锋陈平*刘拓甄锋泉. (2021). GLMM框架下统一GTIRT. 心理科学, 44(2), 449–456.

[28] 陈冠宇陈平*. (2019). 解释性项目反应理论模型:理论与应用心理科学进展, 27(5), 937–950.

[29] 聂旭刚陈平*张缨斌何引红. (2018). 题目位置效应的概念及检测心理科学进展, 26(2), 368–380.

[30] 陈平*. (2016). 两种新的计算机化自适应测验在线标定方法心理学报, 48(9), 1184–1198.

[31] 詹沛达陈平*边玉芳*. (2016). 使用验证性补偿多维IRT模型进行认知诊断评估心理学报, 48(10), 1347–1356.

[32] 林喆陈平辛涛*. (2015). 允许CAT题目检查的区块题目袋方法心理学报, 49 (7), 1188–1198.

[33] 陈平*张佳慧, 辛涛. (2013). 在线标定技术在计算机化自适应测验中的应用心理科学进展, 21(10), 1883–1892.

[34] 陈平辛涛*. (2013). Bookmark标准设定中的分界分数估计方法比较北京师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 49(1), 105–110.

[35] 陈平*. (2012). 认知诊断计算机化自适应测验中题目参数的在线标定及其设计涂冬波蔡艳丁树良 (主编), 认知诊断理论、方法与应用 (pp. 189–204), 北京师范大学出版社.

[36] 陈平辛涛*. (2011). 认知诊断计算机化自适应测验中的项目增补心理学报, 43(7), 836–850.

[37] 陈平李珍辛涛*. (2011). 认知诊断计算机化自适应测验的题库使用均匀性初探心理与行为研究, 9(2), 125–132.

[38] 陈平李珍辛涛*, 高慧健. (2011). 标准参照测验决策一致性指标研究的总结与展望心理发展与教育, 27(2), 210–216.

[39] 陈平丁树良*. (2008). 允许检查并修改答案的计算机化自适应测验心理学报, 40(6), 737–747.

[40] 陈平丁树良*, 林海菁周婕. (2006). 等级反应模型下计算机化自适应测验选题策略心理学报, 38(3), 461–467.