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  • 姓      名:陈福美(博导、硕导)
  • 职      称:副教授,博士生导师
  • 研究领域:儿童青少年心理健康、家庭/学校教育环境、人际关系、艺术教育等
  • 电      话:010-58805248
  • 通讯地址:北京师范大学京师大厦9518
  • 邮      编:100875
  • 电子邮件:chenfumei@bnu.edu.cn

陈福美,发展与教育心理学博士,研究领域主要聚焦在儿童青少年心理健康评价与干预、家庭/学校环境与儿童青少年发展、人际关系的评估与影响、教育质量监测的理论和应用研究等。在Development and PsychopathologyJournal of youth and adolescenceChildren and Youth Services Review、心理科学、心理发展与教育等SCISSCICSSCI期刊发表论文30余篇,翻译著作3部,编著1部。主持和参与教育部、科技部、省部级等多项科研课题。担任教育部基础教育质量监测中心艺术监测部主任,负责全国中小学艺术教育质量监测工作,对大规模测评工具的研制、数据分析、报告撰写等具有丰富的研究和实践经验;参与国家和地方教育决策咨询服务,作为执笔人或主要撰写人撰写国家监测报告、政策咨询报告、社会公众报告等多篇。



1) Li, Z., Zhao, Y., He, R., Luo, R., Luo, Y., Yang, Z., Qi, M., & Chen, F*. (2024). An integrated model: Marital effect on adolescent behavioral problems through siblings. Frontiers in psychology, 14, 1-9.

2) Zhengqian Yang, Yuhan Luo, Fumei Chen, Rui Luo, Mengdi Qi, Zhaoyi Li, Yun Wang.(2024). Longitudinal Associations Between Reactive and Proactive Aggression and Depression in Early Adolescence: Between-and Within-Person Effects. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 53, 1186–1196.

3) Mengdi Qi, Yuhan Luo, Fumei Chen, Xin Xuan, Yanfang Li, Yun Wang .(2023). Longitudinal trajectories of approaches to learning among Chinese preschoolers: Family predictors and academic outcomes. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 64,345–354.

4) 陈福美,赵云燕,罗芮,何然,罗玉晗.(2023).父母-青少年对家庭亲密性的感知差异及其对青少年孤独感与攻击行为的影响:基于RSA 模型的分析. 心理科学, 46(04), 873-880.

5) 何然, 陈福美*, 罗芮, 赵云燕, 李昭仪, 罗玉晗.(2023).父母婚姻冲突与青少年主观幸福感的关系:一个链式中介模型. 心理与行为研究, 21(3), 352-358.

6) 罗芮, 杨静, 陈福美, 玄新, 王耘.(2023).家庭与幼儿园情境中的幼儿社会技能:影响因素的情境一致性和特异性研究. 早期儿童发展, 9(04),14-25.

7) Luo, R., Chen. F.*, Ke. L., Wang, Y., Zhao,Y., & Luo, Y. (2022). Interparental conflict and depressive symptoms among Chinese adolescents: A longitudinal moderated mediation model. Development and Psychopathology, 35(02),1–10.

8) Zhengqian Yang, Yuhan Luo, Qing Zhou, Fumei Chen, Zijing Xu, Li Ke, Yun Wang.(2022). COVID-19-related stressors and depression in Chinese adolescents: The effects of life history strategies and gender. Journal of Affective Disorders, 304, 122–127.

9)罗芮, 陈福*,罗玉晗,王耘,柯李,何然,杨政乾,李昭仪,全晰.(2022). 学校视角下的家校社协同育人现状与问题分析基于我国八省(自治区)的实证调查.中华家教,(06),24-35.

10) 罗芮, 赵云燕, 何然, 王耘, 陈福美*(2022). 二孩家庭父母偏爱的特点及其与青少年抑郁的关系,心理与行为研究, 20(5),657-664.

11) 张彩, 江伊茹, 朱成伟, 邵婷婷, 王海涛,陈福美*(2022). 学校归属感与青少年手机依赖的关系:学习焦虑的中介效应与同伴关系的调节效应.心理发展与教育, 38(6),848-858.

12) Zhao, Y., Chen, F.*, Yuan, C., Luo, R., Ma, X., & Zhang, C. (2021). Parental favoritism and mobile phone addiction in Chinese adolescents: The role of sibling relationship and gender difference. Children and Youth Services Review, 120,105766.

13) Yuhan Luo, Fumei Chen, Xinghui Zhang, Yu Zhang, Qin Zhang, Yanfang Li, Qing Zhou, Yun Wang. (2021). Profiles of maternal and paternal parenting styles in Chinese families: Relations to preschoolers’ psychological adjustment. Children and Youth Services Review, 121, 105787.

14) Hui Guo, Wen Yuan, C Victor Fung, Fumei Chen, Yanfang Li.(2021). The relationship between extracurricular music activity participation and music and Chinese language academic achievements of primary school students in China. Psychology of Music, 1-14.

15) Wen Yuan, Wen Yuan, C Victor Fung, Fumei Chen, Lisha Liu, Liangyuan Xu, Yanfang Li.(2021).Family Socioeconomic Status and Chinese Adolescents’ Academic Achievement in the Arts: The Mediating Role of Family Arts Resources and the Moderating Role of Family Arts Atmosphere. Frontiers in psychology,12.

16) 赵宁宁,李文婷,陈小涵,陈福美.(2021). 教师还是父母谁的作用大?成就目标理论视角下家校共育对小学生学业成绩的影响路径分析. 清华大学教育研究, 42(4),130-140.

17) 马心宇, 陈福美*, 罗芮, 赵云燕, 王耘.(2020). 学前儿童问题行为对父母抚养压力的影响及夫妻亲密的调节作用. 心理与行为研究, 18(6), 762-769.

18) Qian, Y., Chen, F.( (co-first author), Yuan, C. (2020). The effect of co-parenting on children’s emotion regulation under fathers’ perception: A moderated mediation model of family functioning and marital satisfaction. Children and Youth Services Review, 119,105501.

19) Luo, R., Chen, F.*, Yuan, C., Ma, X., & Zhang, C. (2020). Parent–child discrepancies in perceived parental favoritism: Associations with children’s internalizing and externalizing problems in Chinese families. Journal of youth and adolescence, 49(1), 60-73.